Dear Hashfam!
We bid adieu to another eventful month. Here’s a quick summary of all that’s happened within the Hashstack ecosystem in February 2023.
We break down this report into four parts.
- Product.
- Community.
- Collaborations.
- Metrics.
Regarding resource spend, Hashstack’s team spent 50% of its time on Internal QA, while the remaining 50% was split into the community, collaborations and front-end development.
We completed the Starknet contracts in December. Beginning in January, we began working on a comprehensive Internal QA, attempting to ensure our contracts are not exposed to no known vulnerabilities. At times, we did go overboard with our security practices. Over time, based on how our product is used, we will re-assess simplifying certain security practices.
While the on-chain team was busy with internal QA, the design and off-chain teams focused on implementing the updated dapp’s user experience into the application’s front end. As of this report, we have completed the design, functional and security implementation of the upcoming mainnet front-end. The first week of March will be spent on sanity checks and front-end security.

Hashstack’s community grew only 3.8% in February by 460+ members. However, our crew3 task participants grew to 3,800+, a 72% mom increase over the previous month, leading to a near 100% growth in our contributors, to 400.
- Community calls hosted: 02
- Quiz: 01 [prize pool: 250 xp]
Across socials, our medium subscribers grew to 16,000+ from 15,400 a month ago, marking another 3.8% growth. Even though we have a presence across all recognised social media, we primarily rely on and measure our efforts on Twitter. On Twitter, Hashstack’s follower base grew by only 2.3%.
Hashstack’s team was a part of 4 Twitter spaces. Behind the scenes, we built a pipeline with as many as 20 projects for integrations and common synergies. We hope to have some integration announcements by the following report.
Twitter spaces
While Starknet Africa hosted our team on a Twitter space, we played the host role for Voyager, Arx, and Sphinx.

- Starknet Africa hosted Hashstack’s team on under-collateralised lending in DeFi. [Listen]
- Blockchain Explorers for Zk L2 with the Voyager team[Listen]
- Permissionless on-ramps with Arx Protocol [Listen]
- Multi-chain order books with Sphinx [Listen]
We witnessed an average participation of 650+ attendees per event across all four Twitter spaces.
Oh, and one more thing, Hashstack was a guest at Starkware’s 34th community call, allowing us to present the product and capture the community’s feedback. We are waiting for the final numbers. Meantime, you can watch the stream …
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